The LUCERO Project » budget Linking University Content for Education and Research Online Mon, 21 Jan 2013 08:34:16 +0000 en hourly 1 Budget Thu, 01 Jul 2010 20:09:17 +0000 richard The forecast project budget for Lucero totals £165,108 (£100,000 JISC funding with the balance – 39% – from institutional contributions). The detailed budget forecast breakdown is given in the table below.

06/10 – 03/11 04/11 – 05/11 Total
Directly Incurred Staff £65,171 £13,064 £78,234
Directly Incurred non-staff £1,300 £100 £1,400
Total Directly Incurred £66,471 £13,164 £79,634
Directly Allocated £21,405 £4,284 £25,689
Indirect Costs £49,820 £9,964 £59,784
Total Project Costs £137,696 £27,412 £165,108

The Lucero project Directly Incurred staff costs fund a full-time Research Assistant working in the Knowledge Media Institute. This post will be carrying out the key roles of extracting, converting and building the linked data datasets, creating the prototype search systems and carrying out the key technical work of the project. Overseeing this work will be the Project Director who has 20% of his overall time allocated to this project. Both have a high degree of experience in working with creating and exposing linked data.

The other Directly Incurred costs cover the work required to plan and extract library catalogue data from the Voyager library management system and to provide support to the project from metadata and Information Management experts. The Information Management expertise is expected to be of particular help in looking at embedding linked data in workflows and in information management practice.

The final element of Directly Incurred staff costs is represented by a 0.5 fte Project Manager. This post is essential in keeping the project on track and to budget.  Given the short nature of the project and the wide range of stakeholders it is essential that the project is managed effectively and that all reporting requirements are complied with.

The Directly-Incurred non-staff costs include a small amount to fund attendance at programme and dissemination events.

Directly-allocated costs include stakeholders allocated to Chair the Steering Group and provide strategic advice, liaison and guidance. An important element of the directly-allocated staff costs is the time from the managers of the key Arts Faculty databases that will be targeted as part of Workpackage 4. This time will be spent allowing the Project team to understand the data content within these databases, understand any licence or rights restrictions and consider the best methods of extracting and converting their data.

Finally there are directly allocated costs for Estates and indirect charges.

The project budget will be maintained by the Knowledge Media Institute Administration Manager Jane Whild in conjunction with the KMI Unit Accountant.

The Project Manager will be in regular contact with the KMI finance team to monitor and report on the budget to the Project Team and Steering Group.  An initial budget meeting has already taken place (30 June 2010) with the Project Director and Project Manager, KMI, Library and Arts Finance teams to plan and agree the budget management processes.

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