The LUCERO Project » luceroproject Linking University Content for Education and Research Online Mon, 21 Jan 2013 08:34:16 +0000 en hourly 1 Going further Mon, 19 Nov 2012 22:10:48 +0000 Mathieu Last week I attended the International Semantic Web Conference, and that was a pretty good time to reflect a bit on the state of linked data at the Open University, and beyond. First, because I made a presentation of it, at the industry track of the conference. This was pretty interesting, as it was an opportunity to reflect on the impact of our work.

Judging from the discussion afterwards and some reactions on twitter, this was very much welcomed by the audience, especially as an encouragement for members of other universities to get on board the linked data train. I also demoed our latest prototype: DiscOU. It is a “discovery engine” for open educational resources which, in the current demo, can find them from BBC programmes (including iPlayer). We are actually pretty excited about this as it not only applies linked data as well as semantic search techniques to make itself more meaningful and customisable than other recommender tools, but also because it opens the way for a lot of potentially great applications, such as finding open educational resources relevant to museum exhibitions or to courses in other universities.

Now, even more interesting from this presentation and the discussions that followed was the new projects, going beyond Linked Data at the Open University. Linked Universities for example is growing pretty strong, with more datasets, vocabularies and tools being added on a regular basis, and more people getting in touch to discuss the application of linked data in their institution. We also just kicked off a new project, an EU support action called LinkedUp, that is all about web data from across various origins used to create new, innovative educational services. Finally, I’m getting involved in the development of Marimba, a tool developed in Madrid originally for the Spanish National Library to extract linked data from MARC-based library catalogues using customised mappings. We are now working on providing this tool to other universities, including university libraries.

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The Commonwealth of Learning publishes a report on Linked Data for education, based on the experience in LUCERO Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:33:20 +0000 Mathieu The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation including more than 50 independent sovereign states, created to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. Impressed by the work realised in the LUCERO project, by the deployment of (the world’s first university linked data platform), and by the impact it had on The Open University and the broader higher education community, COL commissioned a report on the use and deployment of Linked Data principles and technologies for open and distance learning, which was published last week.

This report is based in large parts on the experience built in the last months of LUCERO, especially in connecting with other organisations and trying to gather common issues and practices, through

The report covers the general principles underlying Linked Data technologies and their relevance to the field of education, especially focusing on open and distance learning. It illustrates use case scenarios of Linked Data for learning and teaching through describing existing applications, and details the process of adopting and deploying Linked Data for educational resources and learning-related information. Through publishing it on its website under an open license, COL hopes that this report will become a valuable resource to a wide variety of organisations, raising the general awareness of the benefits of using open Web technologies such as Linked Data for educational purposes.

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LUCERO extension Wed, 23 Nov 2011 12:31:53 +0000 Mathieu We have had quite a few nice new things happening in relation to LUCERO recently, including some updates of the code, initial work around aggregating data from multiple universities, a paper at a linked data workshop with people from several departments of the OU, presentations, etc. In other words, the work is continuing, and quite a lot more will be happening soon. In turns out indeed that we have not spent all of our budget and have some more time to spend on synthesising, factoring and making more directly reusable the work we have done as part of the project (don’t ask me how that happened…).

The idea here is therefore, starting from February 2012, to work on making our experience in LUCERO, in creating, more directly accessible and reusable by other universities and colleges. The exciting bit about it is that, while we have been working mostly internally for the initial duration of the project, we will realise this new work in direct collaboration with two other universities: one that has already achieved a similar realisation as our own (Southampton, working with Christopher Gutteridge), and one that is at the first, very initial steps of the process (Manchester, working with Sean Bechhofer).

More precisely, here is a quick description of the work, divided in workpackages:

WP1: Technical/Conceptual/Organisational process of deploying linked data in a University

The goal of this workpackage is to rely on our (joint) experience to describe and provide some guidelines regarding the different options related to the deployment, maintenance and sustainability of a linked data platform in a University. This includes in particular tasks such as the choice of vocabularies for data modelling, or the ways to establish links between internal and external datasets.

Deliverable: Report/Guidelines describing the concrete steps of deploying linked data in a university.

Duration: 12 days

WP2: Business case for linked data in universities

Nowadays, everything is driven by business cases and nothing happens with the direct approval and support from higher management. In this workpackage, we will compile a collection of common case studies demonstrating the benefits of linked data (whether it is to drive innovation, reduce cost of data management or create new entry points to the university’s online presence), and providing clear demonstrations of the business value of linked data.

Deliverables:A clearly illustrated, online collection of case studies with associated business cases for linked data in universities.

Duration: 12 days

WP3: Liaison with other universities involved in linked data

This workpackage contains the work related to the collaboration with other universities, including the organisation of face-to-face and online meetings, capturing their experiences and requirements, etc.

Deliverable: Meeting reports and descriptions of other universities’ linked data environments in comparison with

Duration: 5 days

WP4: Dissemination and community portal

In this workpackage, we will rely on the experience in LUCERO in the use of blogs and twitter feeds to realise the dissemination of the results of the work. We will also make use and extend the portal to host the reports, guidelines and business cases produced as part of the work, and engage with the community around this documentation.

Deliverables:Extensions of the project blog, twitter feed and of the portal

Duration: 5 days

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Final Product Post: Tabloid Fri, 01 Jul 2011 09:04:40 +0000 Mathieu This is the final, formal post of the LUCERO JISC project. However, be reassured, this is far from the last post. More and more activities around linked data are happening at the Open University, and this blog will carry on being a primary channel for communication and discussions around these activities.

For this post, we had to chose one “product” of the project, which we believed was to be most useful and reusable by others. We have done so many things over the last year that choosing one was almost impossible. After a lot of discussion and head scratching, we decided to promote as a product our collection of tools, examples and documentions, explaining the why and how of linked data, as well as the benefit one can get from deploying linked data in a higher education institution. We call this toolkit Tabloid: Toolkit ABout Linked Open Institutional Data.


To clarify very quickly, the intended target audience for the Tabloid Toolkit are not the end-users of linked data. We focus here on helping people in higher education institutions with getting involved in promoting, implementing and deploying linked data within their institution. This includes more or less anybody who would have a role to play in the management of data and information, from PVCs to researchers, librarians and developers.


Tabloid is an evolving toolkit made of code, documentation and examples in various places, and trying to address the people with various roles involved in the deployment of linked data: from managers who want to quickly understand the benefits, to developers who are expected to work with it, develop applications and integrate it into their technical workflow.

In this sense, Tabloid can be seen an entry point to institutional linked data, with different parts being relevant to different people at different times. It includes many components distributed in different ways, and put together in a coherent structure in the Tabloid Page. In particular, the toolkit contains documentations giving an overview of the basic principles of linked data, of the way it concretely creates benefits and of simple examples of how such benefits can be exploited in research and education scenarios (see What is linked data?). It provides an overview of both the technical and organisational workflows that are necessary to deploy linked data in an institution, and provide some tool support to realise common tasks in such workflows. Finally, Tabloid puts a particular emphasis on the aspect of using and consuming linked data, providing documentation and experience reports regarding the use of linked data. It includes many pointers to a large variety of applications developed within the LUCERO project, together with reusable source code.

Link: The Tabloid page

LUCERO blog up to 1st July 2011:

Many parts of the Tabloid toolkit described above have been drawn out or described in blog posts on the LUCERO Blog. Here we give a brief overview of the content of the blog according to (mostly emerging) categories of posts:

Publishing Datasets

One of the major activities in LUCERO is related to the exposure as linked data of a number of datasets from the Open University. The posts in this category explain and describe how we realised such exposure for a number of datasets.

Documentation and Support

The LUCERO blog is also used to provide easily accessible documentation regarding various aspects of the project. This category contains posts and pages that are intended to help people to better understand the principles and technologies related to linked data.

Tools and Applications

This category includes posts that describe tools and applications developed within the project. It is an important part of the activities in LUCERO, demonstrating through examples how one can benefit from linked data, and how to realise such applications.

Experience report – Guest posts

One great success of LUCERO is that it has managed to get people outside the project and the linked data community to engage with linked data, create applications of it and generally use the linked data we exposed for a variety of tasks. The posts in this category show a few of such examples.

  • ROLE Widget Consumes Linked Data – This guest post from a member of the ROLE project explains how linked data available on was used to create a widget for the learning environment created by ROLE.
  • Know Thyself – This post written by a member of the communication services of the Open University shows how the availability of linked data can be used to quickly answer unexpected queries that aggregate resources from various resources.
  • Putting Linked Data to Work: A Developer’s Perspective – This guest post written by a developer from the IT department of the Open University demonstrates how linked data can be used and integrated to write new and more cost effective applications, despite the initial confusion that linked data technologies often create.
  • Introducing LUCERO – This post summarises the effort realised at the beginning of the project to explain and discuss with a large variety of people the expected benefits of linked data.

Project Plan

The 7 first posts on the blog gave the details of the project plan.

Hello World – This un-categorised post summarised, at the very beginning of the project, our expectations and plans for LUCERO.

Description of the Project

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What to ask linked data Fri, 24 Jun 2011 15:54:37 +0000 Mathieu Publishing linked data is becoming easier, and we now come across new RDF datasets almost everyday. One question that keeps being asked however is “what can I do with it?” More or less everybody understand the general advantages of linked data, in terms data access, integration, mash-up, etc., but getting to know and use a particular dataset is far from trivial: “What does it say? What can I ask it?”

You can look at the ontology to get an idea of the data model used there, send a couple of SPARQL queries to `explore’ the data, look at example objects. etc. We also provide example SPARQL queries to help people getting the point of our datasets. Of course, not everybody is proficient enough in SPARQL, RDF-S and OWL to really get it using this sort of clues. Also, datasets might be heterogeneous in the representation of objects, in the distribution of values, or simply very big and broad.

To help people who don’t necessarily know/care about SPARQL `getting into’ a complex dataset, we developed a system (whatoask) that automatically extract a set of questions that a dataset is good at answering. The technical aspects of realising that are a tiny bit sophisticated (i.e., it uses formal concept analysis) and are detailed in a paper I will present next week at the K-CAP conference. What is interesting however is how such a technique can provide a navigation and querying interface of top of a linked dataset, providing a simple overview of the data and a way to drill down to particular areas of interest. In essence, it can be seen as an FAQ for a dataset, not presenting frequently asked questions, but the questions the dataset is specially good at answering.

What the tool does is creating a hierarchy of all the simple questions an RDF dataset can answer, and presents to the user a subset that, according to a set of metrics described in the paper, are believed to be more likely of interest. The questions are displayed in a pseudo natural language, in a format where for example “What are the (Person/*) that (knows Tom) and that (KMi hasEmployee)?” can be interpreted as the question “What are the people who know Tom and are employed in KMi?”. Questions can be selected, and displayed with their answers, and the question hierarchy can be navigated, selecting more specific and more general questions than the selected one.

To clarify what that means, let’s look at what it does on the OpenLearn dataset. The initial screen shows a list of questions, the first one (“What are the (Document/*/OpenLearnUnit) that (subject Concept, relatesToCourse Course, relatesToCourse Module)?”, i.e., “What are the OpenLearn Units that are related to courses and have a topic?”) being selected. More general and more specific questions are also shown, such as “What are the OpenLearn Units that have a topic?” (more general) and “What are the OpenLearn Units that relate to a course and have for topic `Education Research’?” (more specific).

We can select alternative questions, such as the second in the list — “What are the OpenLearn Units in english distributed under a creative commons licence and that talk about Science?”, obtain a new list of answers (quite a few), as well as more general and more specific questions. We can then specialise the question to “What are the OpenLearn Unit in english under a CC licence that talk about science and family?” and carry-on with a more general question looking at the `family topic’ without science, to finally ask “What are the OpenLearn units about family?” (independently of the licence and language).

As can be seen from the example, the system is not meant for people who know in advance what they want to ask, but to provide a level of serendipitous navigation amongst the queries the dataset can answer, with the goal of giving a general overview of what the dataset is about and what it can be used for. The same demo is also available using the set of reading experiences from the RED dataset and the datasets regarding buildings and places at the OU. The interface is not the most straightforward at the moment, but we are thinking about ways by which the functionalities of the system could be integrated in a more compelling manner, as a basic `presentation’ layer on top of a linked dataset.

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wayOU – mobile location tracking app using linked data Mon, 23 May 2011 21:08:00 +0000 Mathieu As can be seen from the few previous posts on this blog, one of our main focus at the moment is, in addition to trying to handle with all the data that we still have to process, to develop applications that demonstrate the benefit and the potential of linked data. When we obtained data from our estate department regarding the buildings and spaces in the Open University’s main campus (in Milton Keynes) and in the 13 regional centers, we got quite excited. The data contain details of the buildings and surroundings of the buildings (car parks, etc.) with their addresses, floors, spaces, images, etc.

However, these data was not very well connected. We used links to the postcode unit descriptions from the address to the ordnance survey dataset, giving us an general view on the locations of buildings (and so allowing us to build a very crude map of OU buildings in the UK), but we didn’t have precise locations of buildings. We also couldn’t relate the buildings with events (e.g., tutorials), people (through their workplace, attendance, etc.)

We therefore decided to build an application to not only use these data, but also create some of these missing relations, and specially, to allow OU users to connect to the data.

The application is called wayOU, for “where are you in the OU?”. It can be used to “check-in” at specific locations indicating the “reason” for attending these locations, to keep track of the different places where the user has been, declare the current location as his / her workplace, as well as to connect to their network at the Open University, in terms of the people they share activities with. The video below explains the principle of the application better than I can do with text.

The application is now being tested and is made available for download (see QR code below – without guaranty that it will actually work) on Fouad is going to demonstrate it next week at the Extended Semantic Web Conference next week (see the abstract of the demonstration), and (perhaps more importantly) the sources of this first release are available in our code base.


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Publishing OpenLearn metadata as linked data Thu, 21 Apr 2011 08:51:49 +0000 Mathieu OpenLearn is a website giving free access to Open University course material. We especially look at the “LearningSpace” where hundreds of HTML documents, called OpenLearn Units, are made available. These units represent very valuable resources for students as they provide entry points into specific topics, useful in particular in deciding whether or not to enroll in a course on this topic. A lot of these units relate directly to specific courses as their content is obtained from the corresponding course material. Being able to query and use such metadata in connection with other sources of information can be very useful in applications supporting students in the discovery of learning resources, as demonstrated by the OpenLearn Linked Data application developed by Fouad Zablith.

Representing an OpenLearn unit is realised through a specific class called OpenLearnUnit, which is a subclass of foaf:Document. Most of the common fields, such as title, subject and description of the unit are represented through common Dublin Core properties. A specific property relatesToCourse is used to relate a unit to the corresponding course in the Course Description dataset. We also use the Creative Commons Rights Expression vocabulary to express the license attached to the content of the unit (mostly Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence) and the Nice Tag Ontology to connect units to the keywords they have been tagged with.

While all this information is already available in structured form from the OpenLearn websites (through XML descriptions and RSS feeds), having it in directly accessible, Web addressable and queryable makes it easier to create new interfaces, new links and new processess that facilitates the use of this information for resource discovery. Some elements are still being investigated, regarding in particular the complex connection that might exist between an OpenLearn unit and the corresponding course material as described in the library catalogue.

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Results of the KMi Linked Data Application Competition Thu, 24 Mar 2011 15:36:20 +0000 Mathieu One of the biggest worry we had at the beginning of LUCERO was that we were promising quite a lot: we were not only going to establish the processes to expose public university data as linked data, but also to demonstrate the benefit of it through applications. Originally, we naively thought that we were going to build two demonstrators, providing obvious and complete illustrations of the ways in which linked data could support students and researchers in better accessing information from the university, and better exploit it. We quickly discovered that this “killer app” approach wasn’t going to work, as the benefits of linked data appear to be a lot more in the many “day-to-day” use cases, rather than in large, “clever” application projects. In other words, as clearly shown in both Liam’s post and Stuart’s post, is quickly becoming an essential resource, a piece of the information infrastructure, that benefits use cases, scenarios and applications of all sorts and scales.

That’s when we thought of organising a linked data application competition in KMi. KMi is full of very smart people, researchers and PhD students with the skills, knowledge and energy to build this sort of apps: lightweight, web or mobile applications to demonstrate one specific aspect and one specific use of the Open University’s linked data. I’m not going to give all the details of the way the competition was organised. We received four incredibly interesting applications (the promise of winning an iPad might have helped). This four applications are now featured on the brand new Application Page together with other applications currently being developed.

So, congratulations to our winners! The choice was really difficult (and you might not agree with it), as the applications described below are all great examples of the many things that can be achieved through opening up and linking university data.

The Winner: OpenLearn Linked Data (Fouad Zablith)

OpenLearn Linked Data makes use of data from to suggest courses, podcasts and other OpenLearn units that relate to an OpenLearn Unit. The application takes the form of a bookmarklet that, when triggered while browsing the webpage of an OpenLearn unit, will add to the page small windows with links to the relevant course in Study at the OU, to podcasts from the OU podcast repositories and units from OpenLearn that share a common tag.

The great thing about this application is that it addresses scenarios directly relevant to students, prospective students and users of OpenLearn in general. It very naturally exploits the way linked data removes the boundaries that exist between different systems within the Open University, without having to change or integrate these systems.

Second Place: OU Expert Search (Miriam Fernandez)

The OU Expert Search system (accessible inside the OU network only) allows users to find academics at the Open University who are experts in a given domain, providing a ranked list of experts based in particular on their research publications. It uses information about publications in ORO and computes complex measures to provide a ranking of the people who are most likely to be experts in the given domain. It also integrates data obtained from the staff directory of the Open University to provide contact details for the people in the system.

Here as well the strong point of the application is its apparent simplicity. It is very easy to use and has been applied already for example to find Open University experts on Volcanoes (see Stuart’s blog post). Expert search is a complex task, and OU Expert Search, through the use of linked data, makes it look rather simple.

OUExperts (Vlad Tanasescu)

OUExperts is a mobile (android) application to find Open Univeristy experts in a given domain, and connect to their social network. Similarly to the OU Expert Search application, it relies on information related to the scientific publications of OU researchers, as available in ORO. It also finds synonyms of the given keywords, and tries to connect to the pages of the listed researchers.

The interesting aspect of OUExperts, apart from being a mobile application, is the clever attempt to connect to social networking website, so that it is not only possible to find an expert, but also to connect to them on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Buddy Study (Matthew Rowe)

Buddy Study suggests potential contacts and Open University courses to follow for students, based on the analysis of the topics in the user’s Facebook page. The application attempts to extract from the user’s Facebook page prominent topics, which are then matched to the interests of other people, and to the topics covered by courses at the Open University.

In this case, it is the social aspect of a user’s presence online which is used to create connections into the data from the Open University, creating easily accessible entry points to the data.

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Know Thyself Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:51:14 +0000 stuart One of the reasons that I became interested in Linked Data was not the opportunities it gave external developers to do cool stuff with OU data; it was the opportunities it gave us at the OU to do stuff with our own data!  It’s not only difficult things that I wanted us to be able to do, it was the stuff that should be really easy to do (but wasn’t) that I wanted to be made possible (actually I mean ‘cheap’, ‘easy’ and ‘quick’ rather than possible).

One of the frustrations that people in organisations all over the world must share (and I’d imagine this is especially true in academic institutions) is that the systems in which our data is locked up have grown organically, often do not talk to each other and are not accessible to anyone but the folk who work with the systems as part of their job. Much of the data tied up in these systems is actually data that we make publicly available through various channels but is only easy to use for the purpose for which that system was developed.  This has ultimately meant that it is difficult for us as an institution to answer questions like ‘Which academics do we have working in the area of x and which courses does that research contribute to?’ or ‘what podcasts, videos, OERs does the OU produce that is relevant to y item in the news?’

One of the massive successes of the LUCERO project is that we have been able to free so much of this data from various silos and link it together (let alone link it to non-OU data as per Mathieu’s previous RED example) so that we can ask interesting and (more importantly) useful questions against it.

A very practical example of this happened regarding the sad news about the Tsunami in Japan.  The OU has some of the world’s experts on earthquakes but no currently-live experts database.  Similarly the OU has a massive collection of podcasts on iTunesU – surely there must be some content that we can  highlight that will help inform the public debate and discussion around recent events? Well of course we do but it turns out that some of our systems make it very easy to find this stuff and it’s be a pain having to visit and query numerous separate locations.  Fortunately a quick call to @fzablith and some cool entries to the OU linked data dev competition proved an enormous help.

Fouad quickly rustled up a SPARQL query which returned all of the OU podcasts related to earthquakes and another returning relevant OpenLearn units (of course I already had the same query in my head, I just wanted to double-check that he would do the same thing ;-) ) whilst the Expert Search (OU network only) returned a great list of all our academics who had peer-reviewed work published on the topic.  All very helpful and very quick!

It’s exactly this kind of understanding of what we produce as a university and the greater opportunities it gives us to actually make use of it for a variety of purposes (course production, media relations, reuse in external environments) that makes me excited about what we’ve already achieved and what more we can achieve over the coming years.

In my own particular area of responsibility (web publishing at the OU / social web) I’m really looking forward to making our web CMS (Drupal) contribute to the data we have on and also consume the data.  Whether that’s building a new experts guide which builds on the OU people profile system and pulls in relevant data from and external data sources, or making it easy (a few clicks of a mouse easy) for site builders with particular audiences (subject areas specific / industry specific) to include information on OU courses, podcasts, research OERs, YouTube videos etc.  Watch this space!

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Example Queries Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:15:05 +0000 Mathieu Some times ago, we started to collect example SPARQL queries of interest through twitter, using the hashtag #queryou. This page is here to keep track of the queries collected, and to discuss them. Please fell free to contribute by sending your query on twitter using the #queryou tag.

Courses available in Nigeria

This query lists all the Open University courses that can currently be registered to from Nigeria.

select distinct ?course where {
?course <> <>.
?course a <>}

(see the results)

Things related to Earthquakes

This query find any video podcast and OpenLearn units which descriptions contain the term “earthquake”.

select ?c ?desc where {
?c <> ?desc .
{ {?c <> <>}
{?c <> <>} }
FILTER regex(str(?desc), "earthquake", "i" )}

(see the results)

Subjects of Podcasts

Subject headings used to describe a specific podcast (@psychemedia).

PREFIX rdfs: <>
select distinct ?s ?x ?y {
<> ?s rdfs:label ?y }

(see the results)

Subject headings used to describe all podcasts (@ppetej).

PREFIX rdfs:
PREFIX dcterms:
PREFIX skos:

{?x a <> ;
dcterms:subject ?t .
?t rdfs:label ?tlabel }
{?x a <> ;
dcterms:subject ?t .
?t rdfs:label ?tlabel } }

(see the results)

Course offers and prices

Prices (ordered) with currency of OU level 1 courses in Arts and Humanities as available in France.

select ?course ?price ?cur
where {
?course <> "1"^^<>.
?course <> <>.
?off <> ?course.
?off <> ?ps.
?course <> <>.
?off <> <>.
?ps <> ?price.
?ps <> ?cur
} order by ?price

(see the results)

Course related podcasts

Video podcasts related to postgraduate courses in computing.

select ?x ?t
where {
?c <> <>.
?c <> <>.
?x <> ?c.
?x <> ?t.
?x <> <>}

(see the results)

Course topic and availability

Spanish courses available in Germany.

?c <> <> .
?c <> <> . }

(see the results)

People names

People with more than one family name in ORO.

select distinct ?x ?y ?z where {
?x <> ?y.
?x <> ?z.
filter(?y != ?z) }

(see the results)

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