The LUCERO Project » progresspost Linking University Content for Education and Research Online Mon, 21 Jan 2013 08:34:16 +0000 en hourly 1 Final Product Post: Tabloid Fri, 01 Jul 2011 09:04:40 +0000 Mathieu This is the final, formal post of the LUCERO JISC project. However, be reassured, this is far from the last post. More and more activities around linked data are happening at the Open University, and this blog will carry on being a primary channel for communication and discussions around these activities.

For this post, we had to chose one “product” of the project, which we believed was to be most useful and reusable by others. We have done so many things over the last year that choosing one was almost impossible. After a lot of discussion and head scratching, we decided to promote as a product our collection of tools, examples and documentions, explaining the why and how of linked data, as well as the benefit one can get from deploying linked data in a higher education institution. We call this toolkit Tabloid: Toolkit ABout Linked Open Institutional Data.


To clarify very quickly, the intended target audience for the Tabloid Toolkit are not the end-users of linked data. We focus here on helping people in higher education institutions with getting involved in promoting, implementing and deploying linked data within their institution. This includes more or less anybody who would have a role to play in the management of data and information, from PVCs to researchers, librarians and developers.


Tabloid is an evolving toolkit made of code, documentation and examples in various places, and trying to address the people with various roles involved in the deployment of linked data: from managers who want to quickly understand the benefits, to developers who are expected to work with it, develop applications and integrate it into their technical workflow.

In this sense, Tabloid can be seen an entry point to institutional linked data, with different parts being relevant to different people at different times. It includes many components distributed in different ways, and put together in a coherent structure in the Tabloid Page. In particular, the toolkit contains documentations giving an overview of the basic principles of linked data, of the way it concretely creates benefits and of simple examples of how such benefits can be exploited in research and education scenarios (see What is linked data?). It provides an overview of both the technical and organisational workflows that are necessary to deploy linked data in an institution, and provide some tool support to realise common tasks in such workflows. Finally, Tabloid puts a particular emphasis on the aspect of using and consuming linked data, providing documentation and experience reports regarding the use of linked data. It includes many pointers to a large variety of applications developed within the LUCERO project, together with reusable source code.

Link: The Tabloid page

LUCERO blog up to 1st July 2011:

Many parts of the Tabloid toolkit described above have been drawn out or described in blog posts on the LUCERO Blog. Here we give a brief overview of the content of the blog according to (mostly emerging) categories of posts:

Publishing Datasets

One of the major activities in LUCERO is related to the exposure as linked data of a number of datasets from the Open University. The posts in this category explain and describe how we realised such exposure for a number of datasets.

Documentation and Support

The LUCERO blog is also used to provide easily accessible documentation regarding various aspects of the project. This category contains posts and pages that are intended to help people to better understand the principles and technologies related to linked data.

Tools and Applications

This category includes posts that describe tools and applications developed within the project. It is an important part of the activities in LUCERO, demonstrating through examples how one can benefit from linked data, and how to realise such applications.

Experience report – Guest posts

One great success of LUCERO is that it has managed to get people outside the project and the linked data community to engage with linked data, create applications of it and generally use the linked data we exposed for a variety of tasks. The posts in this category show a few of such examples.

  • ROLE Widget Consumes Linked Data – This guest post from a member of the ROLE project explains how linked data available on was used to create a widget for the learning environment created by ROLE.
  • Know Thyself – This post written by a member of the communication services of the Open University shows how the availability of linked data can be used to quickly answer unexpected queries that aggregate resources from various resources.
  • Putting Linked Data to Work: A Developer’s Perspective – This guest post written by a developer from the IT department of the Open University demonstrates how linked data can be used and integrated to write new and more cost effective applications, despite the initial confusion that linked data technologies often create.
  • Introducing LUCERO – This post summarises the effort realised at the beginning of the project to explain and discuss with a large variety of people the expected benefits of linked data.

Project Plan

The 7 first posts on the blog gave the details of the project plan.

Hello World – This un-categorised post summarised, at the very beginning of the project, our expectations and plans for LUCERO.

Description of the Project

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