Posts Tagged ‘luceroproject’

Connecting the Reading Experience Database to the Web of Data

The Reading Experience Database (RED) project is dedicated to collecting and using evidences of reading experiences for teaching and research. The project has created a large and very rich database regarding specific situations in which a person has read a text, and how such an experience was evidenced.
RED is one of the projects from the [...]

Putting Linked Data to work: A developer’s perspective

This is a guest post by Liam Green-Hughes, a developer at The Open University, relating his experience with Linked Data to date, and his initial use of Linked Data from

Over the last few months I have been on a bit of a journey in the world of Linked Data. It has had highs and [...]

Publishing ORO as Linked Data

The data
One of the first data sets to be made available on is the contents of ORO (Open Research Online), the Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs. The software behind ORO is EPrints, open source software developed at the School of Electronics and Computer Science and is used widely for similar repositories across UK [...]

Introducing Lucero

Having made great progress with Lucero in October, with the launch of, and the publication of our first data sets as Linked Data, we now have something to start talking about and showing to people. We’ve used Twitter extensively for our first wave of dissemination, including the first announcement of data available at [...]

Initial Overview of the LUCERO Workflow

A large part of the technical development of LUCERO will consist of a set of tools to extract RDF from existing OU repositories, load this RDF into a triple store and expose it through the Web. This might sound simple, but the reality is that, in order to achieve this with sources that are constantly [...]


The forecast project budget for Lucero totals £165,108 (£100,000 JISC funding with the balance – 39% – from institutional contributions). The detailed budget forecast breakdown is given in the table below.

06/10 – 03/11
04/11 – 05/11

Directly Incurred Staff

Directly Incurred non-staff

Total Directly Incurred

Directly Allocated

Indirect Costs

Total Project Costs

The Lucero project Directly Incurred staff costs fund a full-time Research [...]

Projected Timeline, Workplan & Overall Project Methodology

The project is divided into 7 different workpackages. The first one includes the necessary management tasks, including the project’s basic infrastructure, reporting and documentation (WP1: Project Management including Programme-level engagement)
Timeline for WP1.
The second workpackage is concerned with the first task considered by LUCERO: to create the technical infrastructure necessary to expose University content as linked [...]

Project Team Relationships and End User Engagement

The core LUCERO team includes researchers from the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University, as well a project manager from the Open University’s Library:
Dr. Mathieu d’Aquin (project director) is a researcher at KMi. He obtained a PhD from the University of Nancy, France, where he worked on real-life applications of semantic technologies to knowledge management and decision [...]

IPR (Creative Commons Use & Open Source Software License)

A part of the technologies employed in the project is developed externally and available as open source software. Technologies developed at the Open University, in particular relating to the semantic management of information, will also be employed. These are to a large extent already available as open source. The final software will therefore be made available as open [...]

Risk Analysis and Success Plan

Measuring the success of a project such as LUCERO, investigating innovative and emerging technologies within a short period of time, is not an easy task. We follow three main directions regarding evaluating the results of the project:

through the benefit of developed linked-data based application to students and academics, i.e., how the deployed application have increased [...]